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Is It Ok to Eat Grape Leaves While Pregnant

The very feeling of growing another life inside you and bringing a new life out in this world fills you with pride and excitement. But at the same time, you become all the more responsible and cautious and the start questioning the food that you have been consuming without restriction all throughout your life and whether the same is safe for you considering the fact that you are pregnant. This is also a necessity because not all the fruits are safe for consumption during pregnancy, and there is also a restriction on the quantity for consumption. Today we are going to consider yet another similar question which is 'Can we eat grapes during pregnancy?'

Pregnancy is a very special part of any woman's life and allows for the introduction of a new soul into our world. One of the special things about pregnancy is that you start to feel plenty of cravings for your favourite foods; this is because during pregnancy you have to maintain the upkeep of your child through constant nutrition with the food you consume.

Is it Safe to Eat Grapes During Pregnancy?

There are a few foods that you must stay away from, but fortunately, grapes do not fall in that list. And not only that there are some exclusive benefits of grapes that will make you include it in your pregnancy diet. The best part about grapes during pregnancy is that it is rich in vitamin C, which is extremely good for your baby. Other than vitamin C angoor also has a rich content of vitamin A, which helps your baby to grow in a healthy manner.

Nutritional Value of Grapes in Pregnancy:

The following is the nutritional value contained in eating 100gms of grapes

Nutrition                   Value

  • Calories                   67
  • Total fat                   0.4g
  • Sodium                    2mg
  • Potassium               191mg
  • Carbohydrates        17g
  • Dietary Fiber          0.9g
  • Sugar                        16g
  • Proteins                   0.6g
  • Vitamin A                2%
  • Vitamin C                6%
  • Calcium                    1%
  • Iron                           1%
  • Vitamin B-               6 5%
  • Magnesium              1%

Health Benefits of Grapes in Pregnancy:

1. Rich Source of Vitamin B:

Vitamin B helps to regulate the metabolism of the human body and thereby allows the mother to provide adequate nutrition to her baby over the course of her pregnancy. Vitamin B allows excellent and improves blood flow allowing excellent natural growth of your baby.

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2. Eyesight:

Grapes are rich in vitamin A which is great for your baby's eyesight and though it is easily available in plenty of other foods the content of vitamin A in grapes is a much more delicious version that allows even healthy food to taste good.

3. Rich in Magnesium:

Grapes are rich in magnesium, which when consumed during pregnancy can help to reduce pregnancy cramps significantly. Cramps are not very comfortable during pregnancy especially during the later stages, and it is during such situations that grapes are the best defence you have in order not to shut down completely, but reduce the intensity of the cramps.

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4. Cleanser:

One of the most important things to know about grapes is that it acts as a brilliant antioxidant for plenty of areas in your body such as your liver, kidneys and even your heart. This keeps your body healthy and in turn, keeps your baby's body healthy as well. It is very important to keep yourself healthy at all times during the period of your pregnancy to have a healthy toddler running around your home, making grapes for pregnant women the best choice for cleansing yourself.

5. Rich in Antioxidants:

Grapes are rich in certain types of antioxidants such as luminol which improves the body's immune system and aids in keeping you away from infection. During your pregnancy period, you share a body with your child and vice versa; therefore, the things that affect you affect your child as well. Therefore it is always better to do everything in your power to keep your immune system strong and healthy to go through a healthy pregnancy period.

6. Grape Leaves:

Even grape leaves have an essential use during pregnancy, and that is it helps to slow down the bleeding of the womb during or after giving birth. Hence grape values can be consumed or applied for the best results.

7. Congealing Factor:

Grapes are filled with vitamin A and K, which is excellent for concealing our blood and has great uses during labour reducing both stress and excessive blood flow, giving mothers one less thing to worry about. Grapes have a number of stress-relieving abilities and are a great snack to kick away the in-between hunger pangs.

8. Resveratrol:

This great addition in grapes helps to maintain and regulate cholesterol in your body so as to allow prevention of any additional weight gain during your pregnancy. This also helps you to fight any disease you might have, such as diabetes or high blood pressure. It is the perfect food for any expectant lady.

9. Maintains The Nervous System:

To help your child develop in a desirable manner, the grape is better than all else because grapes contain sodium, which is very good for any child's nervous system. It is also very good for your nervous system because at the end of the day any lady needs to stay calm and composed throughout her pregnancy.

10. Helps to Relieve The Constipation:

Constipation is one of the biggest complaints of women during pregnancy. The high fibre content in the grapes improves the digestive system and eases bowel movement, thereby helps in avoiding constipation.

11. Controls The Vitamin K Production:

Grapes, when eaten during pregnancy, actively stop the overproduction of Vitamin K and thereby acts as natural blood coagulator. They are active blood thinners and help in clotting the blood during delivery.

Side-Effects of Grapes During Pregnancy:

The following are the various side effects of excess consumption of grapes during pregnancy

  • Grapes have high sugar content, and hence too many grapes can cause blood sugar imbalance
  • Excessive consumption of grapes can cause constipation, so it is best eaten in moderation.
  • Overconsumption of grapes can lead to excess weight gain
  • Resveratrol poisoning poses a great risk on excess consumption of grapes
  • It may cause heartburn
  • Too many grapes can cause diarrhoea

Grapes Benefits for Baby Growth in The Womb:

Apart from benefitting the mothers during pregnancy grapes also provide some exclusive benefits to the baby growing in the womb.

1. Improves The Nervous System:

The sodium balance of grapes helps in the active development of the nervous system of the baby.

2. Healthy Eyesight:

Vitamin A and the mineral called flavonol are responsible for the healthy development of the eyesight of the baby. Both these nutrients are found in ample quantities in grapes.

3. Nutrients Passed on to The Fetus:

Grapes are rich in Vitamin B compounds. This helps the nutrients pass on to the fetus actively and thereby helps in healthy growth and development of the baby.

4. Healthy Heart:

The resveratrol mineral stabilises the mother's cholesterol and thereby ensures that the baby has a healthy heart.

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When to Avoid Grapes in Pregnancy:

There are a few things that you must keep in mind during your pregnancy when consuming grapes. The following are some of the situations when you must avoid eating grapes during pregnancy.

If you are suffering from an issue such as asthma

If you are allergic to grapes

Avoid grapes if you are suffering from diarrhoea or any other bowel-related issue

How to Include Grapes During Pregnancy Diet:

Grapes can be eaten by itself as a mid-meal, or it can be added to your meal in some innovative ways to make your meal all the more juicy and tasty. The following are the various ways in which you can include grapes in your pregnancy diet:

Make a light and refreshing summer salad by mixing assorted grapes with other fruits and veggies such as artichoke, arugula, pineapple, roasted beets, etc. along with some cheese.

Mix the plain yoghurt with assorted grapes and berries to make a power-packed fruit yoghurt without any artificial flavours

2 Easy Recipes of Grapes for Pregnant Ladies:

1. Grapes Pickle:

Pickle is one thing that women usually crave during pregnancy. Grapes pickle here will serve as the 2-in-1 recipe. You will satisfy your pickle cravings as well as get the benefits of grapes. Here is the recipe of making grapes pickle.


  • 100g green grapes
  • 100g black grapes
  • Three tablespoons of chilli powder
  • 5 Green chillies
  • 1/2 teaspoon turmeric powder
  • 75ml oil (Can add more if required)
  • 1/2teaspoonfenugreek powder
  • 1/4teaspoonasafoetidapowder
  • 100ml water
  • 25ml Vinegar
  • 1teaspoon mustard seeds
  • Salt to taste


  • Soak the grapes in water for at least a couple of hours to remove all pesticides
  • Slit the green chillies lengthwise
  • Take a deep bottomed pan and heat the oil
  • Add the mustard seeds and allow them to crackle
  • Add turmeric powder and chilli powder and stir continuously until the raw smell goes
  • Now add all the remaining ingredients including the grapes except the vinegar
  • Bring it to a boil and then reduce the flame, cover the lid and cook for another 15 minutes
  • Remove from flame and let it cool completely
  • Now add vinegar mix it nicely and store it in an airtight container

2. Grape Juice:

There are a lot of benefits of grape juice during pregnancy, and its preparation is very simple. Black grapes in pregnancy are not only healthy but when taken as the juice is very tasty too. This is how you can make grape juice during pregnancy.


  • 500g of organic black grapes
  • 1/2teaspoon black salt (optional)
  • Sugar or powdered jaggery as per requirement (Optional)
  • Water (If required)


  • Soak the grapes for a couple of hours to remove all the chemicals and then wash nicely under running water and strain it.
  • Add the grapes in a blender and blend until smooth
  • Strain the juice using a juice strainer
  • Press from the top using a large spoon so that all the juice is strained
  • Now taste it. If it's too concentrated you can add water, add sugar or jaggery for sweetness and lime juice for sour taste as per your requirement
  • While serving sprinkle rock salt and serve chilled.

Eating grapes during pregnancy is very healthy and nutritious. Whether you eat green grapes during pregnancy or black grapes, eating grapes is important. There are various ways in which you can include this juicy fruit in your pregnancy diet. However, there are a few situations in which you should not be eating grapes and must always follow the thumb rule of pregnancy of not overeating anything. Anything in excess, howsoever nutritious it may be, can be seriously dangerous to the pregnancy.

Frequently Asked Questions And Answers:

Q1: Black Grapes vs Green Grapes Which Are Best During Pregnancy?

Ans: Grapes are Nutritionally Rich fruits, and they are very tasty. The green grapes and black grapes have almost the same nutritional value, and they only differ in taste. Both the grapes are best during pregnancy provided they are consumed in moderation.

Q2: Is Eating Grapes in Early Pregnancy Safe or Not?

Ans: Eating Gapes During early pregnancy is absolutely safe provided eaten in moderation. One should keep in mind that grapes should never be taken on an empty stomach during early pregnancy as it could cause acid reflux and nausea.

Q3: Is Having Dry Grapes During Pregnancy Safe or Not?

Ans: Dry grapes or raisins are absolutely safe during pregnancy, but one must not consume more than a handful of dry grapes during pregnancy. Even a handful of raisins are capable of giving a lot of energy during pregnancy.

Is It Ok to Eat Grape Leaves While Pregnant
