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Pregnant Don T Want to Eat or Drink

Pregnancy is the time when you are taking care of another human inside you. Naturally, it's normal for the calorie intake and nutritional needs to go up as well. Eating for two and untimely cravings are also commonly experienced by pregnant women.

But for some women, their hunger and appetite can go for a toss during the first trimester and make them experience intense nausea. Why does this happen?

Appetite loss during pregnancy: How common is it?

As the pregnancy progresses, calorie needs also rise and a woman would need to have more balanced forms of nourishment. However, some can feel totally unfazed by the food and not experience hunger pangs at all. Many women can also experience a sudden disinterest in routine foods, and feel a lack of desire to eat something at all. These are some of the most common signs of appetite loss.

Appetite loss, though seems concerning, can be fairly common. For one, when the body is going through a sea of changes which come through with the pregnancy, and hormonal fluctuations, appetite and similar body functions can go for a toss. A high fluctuation in hormones like leptin and the main pregnancy hormone, human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) can cause a major dip in hunger levels and induce cramps and nausea, which are commonly experienced in the initial months of pregnancy.

Some typical symptoms of the first trimester, such as morning sickness can also make a woman averse to food. For some, morning sickness and nausea can be so dreaded, it can drastically alter their total food intake, cravings through the day, and make them skip out on nutrition altogether. Women who have a chronic case of nausea are more likely to experience this. A 2017 study found that 70% of women who suffer from severe nausea complain of a drop in food intake during their pregnancy.

Appetite loss can also be experienced by women who suffer from extreme food cravings, which again, can make them avoid certain foods altogether. Cravings like PICA can also make women avoid eating 'proper' foods, not make them feel hungry and lose out on their appetite.

Apart from these, certain psychological problems, such as prepartum depression, anxiety and mood swings experienced during pregnancy can impact food tolerance and intake too. Depression, for one, both prepartum and post-partum can heavily influence your food intake, make you eat less nutritious food and have poor dietary records.

If a pregnant woman is on medications or has compromised health conditions, it can impact food habits. Certain medications can decrease appetite and induce nausea, vomiting and dizziness. Hence, pregnant women are always advised to tread lightly with any medication they are taking, as it could impact fetal health.

A phobia of gaining 'too much weight' can also make women eat less food than required. Disorderly eating habits, which could prevail before pregnancy can also impact food habits. Any such problems, including the ones resultant of mental health conditions, should be attended to at once.

When does it get concerning?

Though occasional appetite loss is a common problem which can usually reverse on its own, it can get disturbing when it starts to impact the baby's or the mother-to-be's growth and well-being.

If you are gaining needed weight according to your age and month of pregnancy and eating enough calories, it won't be a problem. Chronic incidents need attention. Extreme cases of appetite loss can result in decreased nutritional needs and cause deficiencies of vital nutrients needed to sustain a pregnancy. For example, avoidance of healthy foods, or nutrition-dense foods can make a woman deficient in essential vitamins and minerals such as folate, iron, Vitamin B12, Vitamin D, Vitamin C, phosphorous, magnesium.

Tips to eat well when you are pregnant

Since you are caring for two individuals, it's important you take care of your nutritional habits. If you find your appetite going down, and feel averse to the idea of eating frequent, whole meals, try and have small portions through the day, which won't feel heavy on your body.

Another tip is to avoid eating foods which make you nauseous and dull in the first place. Oily, fried foods or the ones which don't appeal to your senses should be kept to a minimum.

Ensure that you hydrate yourself with plenty of liquids and fluids through the day.

Fruits, vegetables, nuts and seeds should be had frequently. Try experimenting with your dishes to satiate yourself.

If you find yourself feeling less hungry than before, try and fill up on protein and vitamin dense foods in the meals that you eat. This would help fill up on vital nutrition. Sweet bites, starchy foods, soups can also help. Having certain spices like ginger and cayenne pepper can also help.

Some women also benefit by trying out acupuncture.

If you experience sudden appetite loss, or miss out on meals for more than two or three times a day, consult a doctor at the earliest.

Pregnant Don T Want to Eat or Drink
